
Sunday, 31 May 2015

Sunday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, It's blustery and wet in Little 'Ol Harwich today, therefore I'm keeping a low profile, and have time now to search for some more funny stuff for your amusement and delectation!

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Russia's Champ Candyfloss man (please ignore the crass commentator)!

The Beijing Male Voice Choir.........down they went!
Tee Hee!


Hmmm! Surprise indeeed!

He was filling the water bed and was distracted

Mr Putin - is it me or does that dog look like you?

Yet another First World Problem!

No! No! - never seen a sign like that before...

Remember 3rd Rock? Dick jousting with Dr Albright?

Elastic Time!

Thanks Robert!

Philosophical Thought of the Day!

Photoshopped but still amusing!


I'm trying to think of a witty comment
- I can't!

Signage dysfunction!


As usual ladies please look the other way!

Oh! Naughty Oriental ladies!

Ah! You messed up my photo - I wasn't leering, honestly!

Is that some sort of scaffolding?

She's another one of those people who, when out in the sun - puts on sunglasses!

Er maybe we should sign up for the gym - Eh lads?

Thanks Pete, very interesting presentation!

Sorry forgot to say - haven't perfected this yet - you have to hit the Present button top right then Play button bottom left............back to the drawing board!

Harwich Weather for Monday

Sunny spells to start the new month, but the breeze will make it feel quite cool. Clouding over through the afternoon and becoming increasingly windy. Maximum temperature 15 degrees Celsius.
Chance of Rain: 5 % | Rainfall Amount: 0 mm | Sunrise: 4.46 am
Pollen Level: 2 (Low) | UV Level: 4 (Moderate) | Pollution Level: 2 (Low)
 Thanks Essexweather.com

Thanks for calling by!



Saturday, 30 May 2015

Saturday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Lord be praised the bathroom painting is finished! Now it is time to rest the aching bones and create more pictorial fun - just for you!

Hey Matey where did you get your licence? - Woolies?

In the Wirtscaft Wunderland - they even have games while you wait for the lights!


Amusing Tug -O - War!

Super day out with the Red Sparrows!

Worse torture than waterboarding!

Yes and she will almost certainly breed..

Clever play on words

Look Daddy - I'm a whale!

Cologen implant Fail!

Stupid plate anyway!

No - in my book 100% !!!!

Oh Yes!

Anal? Yup that is!

The Kitties of course  :-)

Especially for the more mature old Rockers!

Harwich Weather for Sunday

It will be crap!

Thanks for calling by!



Friday, 29 May 2015

Weekend Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, So the bathroom is looking brighter, another coat tomorrow should do the trick. Now to rest my aching bones, I will endeavour to dig up some more fun stuff for your Weekend! Enjoy!

Mr Bear enjoys his freedom with a cooling bath!


Of course anywhere will do - isn't English weird!

OK - here's what to do - turn it off and turn it on again!

The Precious!

Or is he stifling a fart?

A bit before computers I can tell you!  👿

Oh! No! Not again!

Truck hire £35 - danage to car £200 !!!

Awww! The nice man is carrying her flowers!


Modern Attitudes!

His dog was blocking the TV somewhat!


Didn't do a spellcheck - did you?

Well it was like this..........

Thanks Susi!

Another Cousin's witty slogan!

Thanks Derek!

Harwich Weather for Saturday

Fine and dry with a light breeze and plenty of sunshine, although clouding over during the evening. Feeling a little warmer, especially in the early sunshine. Maximum temperature 16 degrees Celsius.
Chance of Rain: 5 % | Rainfall Amount: 0 mm | Sunrise: 4.47 am
Pollen Level: 2 (Low) | UV Level: 6 (High) | Pollution Level: 1 (Low)
 Thanks Essexweather.com


Thanks for your continuing support!



Thursday, 28 May 2015

Thursday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Our household was in frenzied activity today. The Boss was painting the deck, and I was doing odd jobs prior to redecorating the bathroom tomorrow.................what a life we lead. Now I am trying to put my backache behind me and find yet more fun stuff - just for you!

Ladies - the Bikini waxing season is upon us!

Meanwhile just down the road at Jaywick they are playing the old English sport of Shin Kicking!


Happens to me all the time!

Ha Ha! Love it
 Thanks Sandra and Geoff!

Go for it Ron!

Touche! from the Cousins!

Should be available on the NHS!

Thanks Mags!...............(She has one!)

It's a good idea to understand the morons!

I just love Robots!



Pilsbury? Passed over?



He just stole $ 1000,000 from the Cinemas!

Cheeky American Tourist

Cheeky English Tourist in Holland

This is Old Git!

Last is the Jumping Competition

Harwich Weather for Friday

Oh! and there's a rumour of a heatwave in June
You heard it here first!

Outbreaks of moderate rain across all parts through the morning, accompanied by brisk South-Westerly winds. Becoming drier, brighter early afternoon with some sunshine. Feeling cooler once again with temperatures returning below average. Maximum temperature 14 degrees Celsius.
Chance of Rain: 99 % | Rainfall Amount: 2-5 mm | Sunrise: 4.48 am
Pollen Level: 2 (Low) | UV Level: 3 (Moderate) | Pollution Level: 1 (Low)
Thanks Essexweather.com

Thanks for calling by!

