Dear Family and Friends, It was another of those typical English "You never know what you're gonna get" type days, with sun, followed by hammering rain, gusty winds, then sun again! The wonder of English weather, it makes us the people we are...
That irritating inventor is back! This time with a flying machine...
Introducing to you - the Serbian Bullet train!
Not so aptly named!
Golden Porta Potty
Top of my Bucket List - Iceland!
Spectacular recycled bottle art!
My name is Richard........that's not me!
How about a VW Beetle - rocket powered!
Philosophical question of the night
Mr Cool........soon
Keeping up with the Joneses, or even overtaking them!
Moving House are we? ca 1900
If you will keep a small tiger in your house!
50 Shades of Green!
More on a theme.......
Thanks Robert!
Microsoft - (Bless 'em) interrupt the Weather Lady!
The Hydraulic Press Man (The Crazy Finn) tonight destroys 3d printed objects!
Harwich Weather for Saturday

The Bank Holiday Weekend will start chilly with a ground frost. Apart from the odd light shower, it will be a dry, bright day and feeling slightly less cold. North Westerly winds 8mph, gusting 14mph Min 2c Max 12c Chance of rain 20%
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