Dear Family and Friends, Very chilly today, or maybe I'm a wuss! So we stayed in, and I fiddled around with the computer most of the day, so I already have some cannon fodder for your enjoyment!
Thanks Derek!
He has a very dishy girlfriend, so here's his shower curtain!
Send nudes!
This chap is Carrie Underwood obsessed!
Up market kitty run!
A macho shower curtain!
In the present atmosphere!
Only a Pelican Christmas tree!
Joke.......The Flat Earth Society are boasting that they have members all over the globe!!!
Here's Elon Musk's take !
Must be in Canada!
From Russian Friends, a little section
"Only in Russia"
Goin' Fishin!
Chambermaids with imagination!
It is crowded on the balcony!
He couldn't understand, when he gave her a love bite -
she farted and flew out of the window!
Who's a clever boy then!
Even the bears drink too much vodka!
Who's footy team lost then?
Who mixed up the hairspray and the plumber's foam?
In Siberia we're so tough we eat ice cream at 40 below!
Thanks Chaps - Excellent crop tonight!!!
It's easy when you know how!
Thanks Klaus!
This could end very badly!
Harwich Weather for Friday

Sunny spells after a frosty start, but with sleet or snow showers continuing across far eastern districts before dying out later. Best of the sunshine during the afternoon.
Maximum temperature: 6 deg C
Wind: North-West 12 mph, gusting 22 mph
Thanks for your continued support!