
Thursday, 27 March 2025

Thursday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, It was another sparkly day with clear skies, although the forecast for tomorrow is not so wonderful. I had an early start taking my car to Ipswich to check on a minor fault. Big relief as they couldn't find anything wrong. Up at six and home by 1130, and they washed the car for free too! Now I have, I hope concocted a new blog burgeoning with new fun stuff especially for you!

It's only the Quo!

Live long and.........stick it!



We do not wish to go that way!!!

What came out of the box??????

Nautical riposte!

No aircon!

Is that in or out???

Will o' the Wisp hunter!


Too many guns in America!
(Didn't he realise that a gun that big would have a kick like a mule?)

How to display the old well with a creepy twist!

Having landed from the ISS this astronaut wandered into a market!

Not sure about this but I guess that they had fun!

Improvised hot water system!

I wanted to be a slug!

Tibbles helps with the horticulture!

Expensive accident!

Well, that is one way!

Ugly but I still want one!

No! No! No!

Just monks having a snowball fight!

That's an elegant mirror with rococo frame!

Improvised hedge cutter!

Harwich Weather for Friday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at


Thanks for calling by!


Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Wednesday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was super! The sun shone, there was no wind, and walking along the promenade it was really warm. Later I had lunch with my old cronies, very enjoyable meeting and meal, and we 'had over old times'. Home at about 3pm and later we had more NCIS. Now for more fun stuff carefully selected for your amusement!

I could listen to these old boys all day!

Dum dum dum di dum!

Thanks John C!


Thanks Stuart!

Tibbles doesn't give a sh*t!

Hot news!

Ha Ha Ha !

Only 11% of Americans have passports!

Floods can have their up sides!

First get yourself an elf!

Beach fun riding the dragon!

The Dutch cycle infrastructure is very safe for 'fietsers'!

Great, very brave, but not for me!

I am guessing but I think these monsters are actually tiny!

Bird feeder!

Good question!

Never underestimate Granny!

The positive and the negative!

In the best possible taste!

Boom Tish!

Thanks Ann and Helen!

If I were you i wouldn't publish those!

Something's wrong with the group snog!

Harwich Weather for Thursday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!
