
Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Midweek Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today started sunny without a cloud in the sky. I was quite busy, first a walk to the beach, then a trip to the recycling, and then trip to pick up one of my old friends, and together we went to lunch with six other oldies. many tales we told and the food was good. Home late pm just in time for the very last episode of NCIS series 8. I am tasked to find series 9! Now for more fun stuff which I very much hope will entertain!

Do you like schmalzy? I will give you schmalzy!

Many of us can admit to doing it!

Love it - Well done Danes!

An alternative way!

Even in the stone age!

Love the Cousins' slogans!

Sturdy is the word!


Nonchalant snowman!

I think that's freezing rain!

Too many guns in America!
(They're even arming the Pugs!)


He declined of course!

Meanwhile in Middle Earth.......!

Ice storm!

The making of the MGM lion intro!

No you're not coming in while you do those eyes!

Indy is in a very ancient tomb - but...........!

I bet that Grandma would have laughed!


A Ta Da moment!

This is an experiment I am trying to use video content from FB. It sometimes works on computers but seldom on phones and tablets, hopefully this new method may work!

PS - It seems to, although I can't quite get it centre - there's music too,
the theme is Steampunk

Harwich Weather for Thursday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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