
Friday 6 July 2018

Your Weekend Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, I am continuing to fix up my solar panel for the boat. We also had a quick shop for stores, and now I am concentrating on the screen to identify some best quality funnies - just for you!

Not sure how the rival school did that!

Golf and be Damned!

Independence Day!

One of the 90%!

Leaving the kids with their Dad for any length of time?
Bad idea!

Sportsmen get rich - suddenly their hair comes back!

Tee Hee!

What 20 million dollars under the mattress looks like!

Even I the cynic laughed at this one!

Buzz celebrating 4th July - he won the knobbly knees competition too!

Meet German Athlete Alicia Schmitt...

Long nosed foreign devils!

Quite so!

On 4th July he couldn't resist poking fun at the Brits!

A rather unusual 4th of July party!

Young kids will never know the pain and suffering we oldies had to get a movie!

The cabbie heard this 47 million times!

Tonight's Great Truth!

Traffic Guy with a moral approach!


Bloody Hell!!!

Harwich Weather for Saturday

Another fine day with near unbroken sunshine. It will be hot inland and only a little fresher near the coast with an onshore breeze.
Maximum temperature: 29 deg C 
Wind: South-West 5 mph, gusting 10 mph

UV Level: 7 (High) | Pollen Level: 7 (High)
Thanks Essexweather.com

Thanks for calling by!



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