
Tuesday 13 August 2024

Tuesday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was very warm with light winds. Matt and had a great boat trip. We went up the Stour as far a Wrabness. At first the water was like glass, but when we returned across the bay the wind increased and it was very choppy. The boat did very well and that has increased our confidence in her! Pictures are a bit thin on the ground tonight, so I have added  few more video clips.

Pot Hole???

It is possible that I can make you cry!

As a grammar Nazi - I am losing the will to live!!!

Thanks John!


Thanks again John!

Good point Pal!

Thanks yet again John!

Screw it!

Thanks even yet again!

He was right and you were wrong - twits!

Love the Cousins' slogans!

Wot - no rails???

Time flies!

My Oh My! That is a huge one!

Tibbles warms his tootsies (Not necessary today though!)

Clever way to hide the grotty bit!

Too many guns in America! Meet the Woody Walther PPK!

It is very tacky - but rather fun!

I am now going to mess with your mind!

That skipper has to hauled over the coals!

Must be a stallion!

How NOT to search for a leak!!!

Harwich Weather for Wednesday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at


Thanks for calling by!


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