
Wednesday 7 August 2024

Wednesday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was bright but windy. I am a happy bunny with pin sharp vision in my right eye. The folks at the NHS were fantastic! Now for a melange of fun stuff which with the help of my friends I very much hope will entertain!

Yes Tibbles very stylish, but not your size!

How about a little bit of Abba?

No risk of electrocution if you wear wellies!

Thanks Robert!

Not true - you can get curly ones!

Thanks again Robert1

It's the moving bit that's the problem!!!

Thanks Stuart!

Coxless - Ha!

Thanks again Robert!

Boom Tish!

Thanks Susi!

This says it all!

Tonight's Wisdom!

Another Great Truth!

Nothing changes - this from the '50s!

How appropriate!

Bugs and Words!

The Female of the Species is deadlier than the Male!!!

Many are just that!

Thanks Adrian!

The Media - I despise them! - Pah!

Me too bud!

Functional is the word!

Thanks Sam!

Ooh! The pain of it all!

Normal Street Scene in NZ!

Anoter way to look at things!

Double flights to a singe flight - architecturally complicated!

Clever Con!

Thanks Klaus!

Love a big explosion!

Harwich Weather for Thursday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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