
Sunday, 9 March 2025

Sunday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was yet again a wonderful one with plenty of sun, although we have been warned that this weather is coming to an end. I walked to the beach and there were a good crowd out taking the morning air! The rest of the day was mainly R & R, with TV pm. We have finished NCIS series 14 and I am now on the hunt for series 15. Now for more pictorial fun gathered together especially for you!

How about a little bit of André!

Deep mystery for us chaps!

Thanks Jane!

Another Great Truth!

Thanks John C!

Ah! Yes! The days of running boards!

Thanks Stuart!


Thanks again Stuart!

The dreaded phone robots!

Editor 'Give me a headline - any headline!'

Just as true today!

Another Great truth!


This sounds almost Trumpian!


He could still bite!

How on Earth did he achieve this?

Yes, until it starts raining!

Indeed humanity is doomed!


Oh! Yes! Please!

Spectacular street art!

Ultimate put - down!

Run awaaaaaay!!!

The age of chivalry is gone!

Unfortunate turn of events!

Harwich Weather for Monday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


Saturday, 8 March 2025

Saturday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was another wonderful one, the sky was blue all day and the temperature hit 12c. I walked to the beach, the sun was warm but there was a cooling breeze. We worked in the garden am, and pm watched more NCIS, we will soon have to look for series 15! Now for just a few funny pictures that appeal to my sense of humour, I very much hope that they will tickle you too!

I know this is fake, but it's funny too!

Environmentally friendly!

Thanks Adrian!

Why go abroad for your hols???

Thanks John C!

There is no hope!


An old sailor said - never p*ss into the wind!

Now that's a  plan!

Oh! Yes! - Tesla sales are plummeting!

Top tip!

Japanese sugar art - amazing!

Yes, My geography teacher had a deadly aim, he could hit me in the back row!

Thanks again John C!

Another Great Truth!


Boom Tish!

Going to a water fight are we???

Holy tree?


Passive aggressive???

An electronic chopping board - Ha!

My hero! - Like the machine gun too!

How to demolish a wreck!

Harwich Weather for Sunday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!
