Dear Family and Friends, Today was again really nice, frosty to start, then blue skies all day. I walked to the beach, and later we visited our neighbourhood freezer shop for stores. PM more NCIS although we are nearly at the end of series13, I must start to hunt for series 14. Now for more pictorial fun with which I hope to entertain you!
Another from 'my time'
Liberty is leaving the US!
Thanks Robert!
We already did that!
Thanks again Robert!
Thanks yet again Robert!
Yes! 90% or more!!!
Thanks Stuart!
Brush off!
A minimalist representation of the orange monster!
Wasting your time R2!
Macy's have a wooden escalator
Ha! When I was young they were all wooden!
It's called capitalism son!
Clever street art!
Nothing to say here!
Professional Photobomber!
A view from the Eiffel Tower!
Tibbles loves you!
(Or he wants something!)
They are still cute though!
I have never been able to use them!
Tibbles has disgraced himself in one way or another!
I think he loves you!
Harwich Weather for Monday
Thanks BBC!
If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at
Thanks for calling by!
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