
Thursday 17 September 2020

Thursday's Funnies


Dear Family and Friends, it was cooler today with an Easterly wind. This is ironic as this wind blows the falling leaves from the school into our garden! If it was West they would get their own leaves back! Never mind! I made a quick visit to the boat, she is leaving for Cardiff next week. Now for more of the same, that is scintillating pictorial fun just for you!

This is my mate Dave - he over indulges sometimes!

Had a stressful day? - Then Chill!

Boom Boom!

Thanks Derek!

If they got rid of all the idiots - etc..........!

Thanks again Derek!


Thanks Hazel!

Taking it literally!

Thanks Robert!

Yes they're both females!

Thanks again Robert!

Mummy's little helpers!

Thanks Pete!

They always do things Big in America!

Leading him into temptation!

Just WOW!

Does it drive you nuts too?

When I was a kid it was a dunce's hat in the corner!

No Mr Sloth - you're not in the rainforest now!

Cruel but true!

He's never going to make it!!!

Remember 90% of them are cabbages!

Dad joke!

How kind!

Yes the buggers can swim too!

Tibbles performs a double somersault - well almost!

There is a message here!

Yes! I know that feeling! 

If you are going to sink - at least go down happily!

Remember them?

Another juxtaposition!

After dinner snooze!

Not sure of the context but the skeleton is definitely under arrest!
Ah! I just got it - he isn't wearing a mask!

Bizarre chandelier!

Dali-esque  scene!

To get this you must remember that the Cousins still use Fahrenheit!

And Archimedes said "Give me a fixed pivot and a long enough lever and I will lift the Earth!

Kryten gets religion - sort of!

Wow Star Wars diorama!

For the Boys!

I'm kidding - nothing for you tonight!

Fool look where you're going!

Small Oriental Person does not approve!

Harwich Weather for Friday

Another fine day expected with largely clear skies. Winds strengthening a little more and feeling cooler during the afternoon along the coast and beaches.

Temperature: 21°C (Inland) | 20°C (Coast)

Astronomical Conditions
Sunrise: 06:35 | Sunset: 19:09

Moonrise: 06:07 | Moonset: 19:39
Thanks Essexweather.com

Thanks for calling by!



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