Dear Family and Friends, Today was mild but it rained a lot! I took Lola for a walk to the beach during a dry spell, but soon after we arrived home it poured again. Not very much was achieved otherwise until I set forth for the Nether Regions to find you the latest fun bits. Fortunately I hit pay dirt and was able to compose the latest funny blog - especially for you!
I have had enough!
How about a little bit of the Mavericks?
Touché Elon!
Thanks Stuart!
Boom Tish!
Thanks again Stuart!
Unfair but true!
Tibbles takes care of Tiny Tibbles!
Name a soft nut???
The hooman was driving so badly Towser took over!
Typical man!
Boom Boom!
Good vibes I am sending!
A bit too much!!
Unusual a modern machine on a vintage treadle!
Also it seems to be posessed!
Not really that much like Lenin!
Meet Miss Allotment!
Really? - That would do me for 5 years!
Now - no conspiracy theories - someone's having a laugh!
What was this architect on???
Second fiddle!
You can work it out!
Seen on a wall imn Mexico City!
I don't understand her either!
Harwich Weather for Tuesday
Thanks BBC!
If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at
Thanks for calling by!
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