
Saturday, 1 February 2025

Saturday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, It was a good sunny day today but still cold. I walked to the beach and there was very clear visibility, I was able to see the wind turbines of the London Array. The wind however still has some ice in it. We worked on cleaning the kitchen and utility room in anticipation of the arrival on Tuesday of the worktops. PM more of the same NCIS. Now for a new selection of funnies available on the Web, which I have filtered especially for you!

That - is - my - dinner!

Peter Kay plays the Guitar - shovel!

Boom Tish!

Thanks Stuart!

They have an idea!

It's almost a fad!


Homer corrects!
And we have 4 years of this!!!)

Newton's Law!

Who are you looking at???

Yes lazy it is!


Yes very exciting, but for me - no!

The problem is if you buy this, is that it runs back to the shop!

Unusual but practical!

The Sorting Hat has gone incognito!

Nice, but don't come to me for a job!

What a man!

We call them Shitehawks - believed to be the souls of dead bosuns!

Go Towser!

As ye sow so do you reap!

Amazingly that's one person!

Something touched my paw!

Blunt and to the point!

I thought that I had seen everything!
How about Log Flume Monopoly!

Yes you really are drunk!

Major constuctional whoops!

Harwich Weather for Sunday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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