Dear Family and Friends, Today started sunny and warm 13c. It did cloud over later but no rain.We started by doing a Spring clean of the garden room which had become rather grubby after building works. Later I walked to the beach and there were many people about as it was so nice. Now here we go again with a plethora of humorous material which I have personally filtered to suit my sense of humour, I hope it suits yours too!
The Good 'Ol Boys having a ball!
New version of 'Oz'!
Thanks Robert!
Used to be quiet here!
Thanks Stuart!
Points to you then!
You and me both Mr Magoo!
Thanks Brian Bilston!
Just some chums!
I definitely want one!
Hey! You've a dragon on your roof!
Heavy goods vehicle!
Someone didn't really think this through!
Just love this! Now that is Chutzpah!
The old chimp knows a thing or two!
Lunch time!
Taking the direct route!
They were certain that Towser has sniffed the bed
There are big cities, there are huge cities, and then there's Tokyo!
Towser is definitely in the mood!
Harwich Weather for Sunday
Thanks BBC!
If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at
Thanks for calling by!
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