
Friday, 30 June 2023

Weekend Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was mainly overcast, but with no rain. We worked in the garden am, mainly weeding. PM watched "The Man with the Golden Gun", I must confess they really seem to be rather tame now! Now for more hopefully amusing pictures and jokes, for your weekend enjoyment!

We are down in the deep South tonight with Emmilou!

Bad idea!

Thanks Adrian!

Hmm! Dieting are we?

Thanks Barbara!

Oldie but goodie!

Thanks Derek!

You found him!

Thanks Geoff!

So I said to him I said.............!

Thanks Joe!


3 - 2 - 1.......Kaboom!

Threat or promise!

Hopeless task! Bit like a roller blind!

Yes well most probably fitted by an expert!!!

And the dim reply was...........!


Don't even think about it!

Mysogyny rules!!!

Boom Tish!

We've all done this!

Ta Da!!!

The Vicar!

Take care!

The Fairy!

Thought for tonight!

Tempus Fugit!

No! It's an Airship!

Wandering free?

That you Sasquatch???

She's enjoying it anyway!

Harwich Weather for Saturday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at

Thanks for calling by!



Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Wednesday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was cloudy and very humid. It was not the best for me with a stomach problem, which stopped me from doing much at all today. Fortunately it has now subsided enough for me to be able to dig up a few more "Little Gems" for your entertainment! Hoping they amused you!

We saw them in Ipswich in around 1960!

Ooh! I didn't say that!

Thanks Robert!

Just boobs!

Thanks again Robert!

Love this!

Tibbles looks like her dis has been very gruntled!!!

How to be removed from the gene pool - with luck!


Great beach art!

Not me - I conformed!

Amen to that!

Thanks Susi!


Clever thinking - inside the box!

If it was me......I would put a price ticket on it for £100, 
and it will almost certainly be stolen!

I wouldn't stand too close to that!

Not much to say!

Philosophical Fortune cookie!

Who'd have thought - circular ping pong!

Star Trek - Aliens?

Beware - she's definitely taking the dominant role!

A likely tale!

It's complicated!

Missing you!

They're selling the mirror? Noooooooo!

There are idiots in cars, but now on mobility scooters too!

I'll bet you do dearie!!!

Did you know that brickwork is called Flemish bond?

Nobody likes a Smart arse!

Basket ball? - Ha!

Harwich Weather for Thursday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at


Thanks for calling by!

