
Wednesday 11 September 2024

Midweek Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was very windy, but the sun did shine later in the day. It was H to the dentist today just a check up. We also had Lola for the day and we walked down to the beach. PM more Jack Ryan, gripping stuff! Now for more pictorial fun for your amusement - hopefully!

Just had enough!

Just something easy to chill with!

Our son is in puberty and is a complete rebel!
He won't have tattoos or piecings!

Thanks Klaus!

Now I also have water in the cellar!

Thanks again Klaus!

Love the kiddies menu!

Thanks Stuart!

Rather pleased that the didn't!

Thanks again Stuart!

Novel panorama!

Thanks yet again Stuart!

I don't see it!

Thanks ever yet again Stuart!

Another of my heroes!

Thanks Susi!

That Ring!



Cooking in bulk!

Good question!!!

How shiny!

Doctors Ha!

Plant is fed up with your noise!

I am wondering if she really knows the significance of this???

Using the loo seat as a nut cracker? Whatever next!!!

I may be mistaken, but that looks like San Francisco in the background!

My Era!

Thanks Klaus!

When you're chilling but the kiddy needs attention!

Harwich Weather for Thursday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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