
Thursday 5 September 2024

Thursday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was mostly grey, they said it would rain - it didn't. We visited the supermarket for stores and were home in good time. PM more CSI with loads of gore! It is however very interesting how they use science to catch the baddies! Now for more pictorial fun for your delectation!

Thanks Melanie!

This was on our very first CD!

Another Great Truth!

Thanks Barbara!

Always appear to be busy!

Follow me for more culinary advice!

Thanks again Gloria!

Before and after!

Thanks yet again Gloria!

Time can be elastic!

Thanks Robert!

We couldn't do it either!

Thanks again Robert!

Nip slip!

Love it!

Definitely from the Bard!

Words - not yours???

There is an answer to this!

My kind of coffee shop!

You want it to come yesterday!

Turn it off and turn it on again!

Understandable mistake!

Tonight's widsom!

I am wondering what she has seen!

Too many guns in America!
(They're even arming Willy Wonka!)

Nothing like a nice little bookcase with sparkly lights!

She wasn't expecting that!

You know what will happen, but you watch anyway!

Harwich Weather for Friday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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