
Sunday 1 September 2024

Sunday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, It was another warm sunny day but with the inevitable stiff breeze. I wasn't much use today, I was wobbly and sleepy from the steroid eye drops. Fortunately yesterday was the last day, and it has slowly wearing off! Now for more pictorial fun to hopefully amuse you all!

Almost certainly photoshopped, but I like it

(Sorry your Maj!)

Do love a choir - 2000 people!

Oh! Lordy!

Thanks Mick!

Yes b*gger off!

Thanks again Mick!

One approach!

Thanks Robert!

Back in my days!

Thanks again Robert!

Fast food!

Thanks Stuart!


Thanks again Stuart!

Boom Tish!

Or Man Flu!

I know that Feeling!

Love the sarcasm!

Tonight's wisdom!

The cows are up on tech!


Classic put down!


Military Oops!

Indeed they do!

Can I help with the crossword Gandalph?

This is Tibbles comin' atcha!

Could be one of my ancestors!

Don't you just hate that?

Beware the Cormorants their droppings are huge!

Only one clip tonight - but it is quite long!

Harwich Weather for Monday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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