
Wednesday 4 September 2024

Wednesday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was sunny and calm, but it clouded over in the afternoon with showers, We had a short boat trip to see the seals, and unusually there were egrets there as well. Picnic lunch on board, then home. Now more funnies which I very much hope will keep you amused for a few minutes!

This is well past my time, but quite jolly!

Vertically challenged!

Thanks Robert!


Thanks again Robert!


Thanks yet again Robert!

Big mistake!

Thanks even yet again Robert!

Looking back!

Sound advice!

I see irony here!

Slightly unkind!


I have been told that plants benefit from being talked to!


Pensive pose!

Now here's a challenge!!!

2 out of 10 for originality!

You did it Sunshine!

Now that's marketing - it's just H2O!

Medieval fitted kitchen!

The Mongol people are really tough!

Novel Hearse!


Minion style chiminea!

Dramatic stealing!

Do do do do  Do do do do!

Harwich Weather for Thursday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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