
Wednesday 22 May 2024

Midweek Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, It rained heavily first thing, but by the time we left home it had stopped and we did have a few short bursts of sunshine. We went to the supermarket to shop for essentials. PM we ploughed on with Mr Monk, he is very irritating but also funny most of the time! Now for the very latest fun stuff - just for you!

From 1968, the year that we married, this was high in the charts!

Self defence!

Thanks Geoff B!


Thanks Geoff H!


Thanks Pete!

Definitely cool!

Thanks Stuart!

Wise words!

Thanks Robert!

Imaginary friends!

Thanks again Robert!


Thanks yet again Robert1


Shades of Terry Pratchett!

(Not forgetting the giant turtle that the elephants stand on!!!)

Remember the lyric???

A good man!

Another lyric!

It has been stolen so many times.............!

A matter of choice!

They watched!

Astronomically speaking!

That's a bit unkind!


Seems legit!

Grammar Rools!

Swimming near rocks can be dangerous!

Electric scooters can be a challenge!

Thanks Klaus!

When you're trying to look really cool!

Harwich Weather for Thursday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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