
Friday 17 May 2024

Your Weekend Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, At last! A dry, still warm day. We were able to have a boat trip. We didn't go very far, but it was really peaceful, and there weren't too many other boats about. Back in the marina we had a picnic lunch, and home mid afternoon. Now I have ferreted about in cyberspace, scrapped the dross and hopefully come up with a blog which you will find fun!

I have been looking for this for a long time, it's old and very corny, but it makes me laugh!


Thanks Barbara!


Thanks Pete!

The next four are from Robert
Thanks Robert!

Definitely old!

Top tip!

Definitely the end!

Just wondering!

That took a moment!

Thanks Stuart!


Thanks again Stuart!

Thank the lord we are!!!

Join my club!

It's spelled differently sunshine!

Boom Tish

Boom Boom!

Scientific Riposte!

Another Great Truth!

Party time!

Also before it rains!

Who is proud of whom???

I don't understand it either!

Not excited!

That (meme) look!

He looks more like a troll than the troll!

Thanks Gloria!

Most chaps would agree!

Thanks Jamie!

Hoping that the water has been tested for cryptosporidium!!!

Learn not to show off!

It seemed like a good idea at the time!

Harwich Weather for Saturday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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