
Friday 24 May 2024

Your Weekend Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was a good one, it was sunny and warm with a light wind. We had a boat trip, and crossed the bay and back. The first Mate got cold but soon thawed out back in the marina. I have now faced up to the challenge of digging up enough fun stuff to fill the blog. I very much hope that I have succeeded! Enjoy!

Thanks Robert!

In his time he was very popular, long gone however!

He's been thinking!

Thanks Stuart!

He's all heart!

Thanks again Stuart!

Right or wrong???

Thanks Barbara!

Now there's a thought!

Thanks Geoff!


Thanks Paul!

Best I can manage!

Thanks again Robert!

Ha paid the price!


Outside the box!

Not a good thing!

MOT fail!


Tibbles demonstrates a function!


It does doesn't it!

Love it!


Step 1 ???

Medieval riposte!

Edwardian manslaughteress!

Overcome by the moment!

It would be prudent to wear a hard hat under the coconut trees!

Diving spectacle!

Harwich Weather for Saturday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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