
Sunday 12 May 2024

Sunday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today weather wise was a repeat of yesterday, warm sun, but misty and with a rising wind. I tried to be productive, flattening the alp of cardboard in the garage, and later fixed the boat's barometer - the glass had fallen out! PM we dozed in front of the TV, and watched Monk, but missed crucial bits of the plot! Now for your funnies.

Now for Don Williams, Mr Gravel voice himself!

Know that feeling?

Wisdom from Willie!

We all know!!!

Matt is always on the ball!

My advice..........walk away!!!

Boom Tish!

Tonight's wisdom!

Mother knows best!

The dilemma!

Oh! Yes!

He wasn't expecting that!

Of course he does!

Dino the Dictionary!

They can only take so much!

One imagines that alcohol could have been a factor!

Clever pavement art!

I too am a rebel!

It is easy to sympathise!


These very thick pile carpets show all the foot marks and dirt!

More clever street art!

I think on balance I would like to be put back!

Harwich Weather for Monday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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