
Friday 31 May 2024

Your Weekend Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was very hit and miss! One minute heavy rain next a lull then more. I managed to avoid the raindrops posting a letter, but remained indoors for the rest of the day. I did do my exercises however. PM more Monk, we are nearing the end of series 8! Now for more fun stuff for your weekend entertainment!

When you're friends with the plaster caster!

Tonight we are back in 1977!


Thanks Robert!

Mouse or Rat - you decide!

Thanks again Robert!

Faint possibilty!

Thanks yet again Robert!

I am going to my Mother with the children. I can no longer look at you!

Thanks Klaus!

Klingon Philosophy!

Best number 4!

Not exactly a pot of gold!

Remember doing this???

Hmm - not paid to think!


City folk lost in the country!

Meanwhile, in my luxury submarine..........!

The label maker's having a bad day!

Meet Spider - Tibbles!

I want one!
(Preferably not in pink!)

Seat outside a library!

102 PSI????

It should be "Smoothly" pal!)

Club 18 - 30 ? - Me neither!

Cunning plot!

Thanks Klaus!

Not the best look!

Harwich Weather for Saturday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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