
Thursday 2 May 2024

Thursday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was the warmest so far. First it was madame to the coiffeur, and later I walked to the beach, and had to remove my sweat shirt, because - you guessed it was making me sweat! PM we indulged in a Poirot. Now for the fun stuff - just for you!

I love a choir - is Joyful an appropriate word?

Check in time???

Thanks Elna!

Love it!

Thanks Stuart!

Perhaps not for you!

Thanks again Stuart!



The norm is now 16GB! 16 Billion!


In short Shut it!!!

The best explanation!

They would be advised to reconsider!

Tonight's philosophical thought!

Wisdom from the boys on the board!

Good old Haynes!

She must have see this already!


My feelings exactly Duckie!

Meme cat states the obvious!

I am fairly sure that is Chamaerops humilis the European fan palm!

I don't think it was supposed to work like that!

Just Wow!!!

Harwich Weather for Friday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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