
Wednesday 31 July 2024

Wednesday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was hot again, but with a stronger breeze which made it more tolerable. We've now changed the Old Boys dinner, to lunchtime, we had six members, and a good meeting with loads of reminiscences! Home by mid afternoon, and I must confess that I missed most of the TV programs having dozed off. Sorry but tonight I can't give you a music intro, Youtube isn't playing ball for some unknown reason, never mind we will make do with other stuff, please enjoy!

I don't know where this is, but it's spectacular!

When you've only been an hour in the World, 

but you haven't yet been offered a beer!

Stand upside down!

Thanks John!

Oh! Dear! 4 Hours!!!

Thanks again John!

Multi lingual!

Thanks yet again John!

Words from the Master!

Thanks Stuart!

Love the Cousins' slogans!

Thanks again Stuart!

The evils of torture!

Sorry, but this is totally me!

Regarding marital bliss!

I can identify with this!

Mr Floppy!

Dumbness prevails!

Auto correct begone!!!

No no no no!!!

Really - why???

I have often thought that it would be great to have a few henchmen!

Somebody's friends with the Plaster of Paris man!

When disability can be made to look cool!

Guardians of the home!

Tibbles has a new toy, but seems unsure what to do with it!

I really don't like those weird wall shelves!

That herbaceous border is looking a tad overgrown!

Sit still! You're rocking the boat!

Harwich Weather for Thursday

Thunderstorms my arrive tonight!

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


Tuesday 30 July 2024

Tuesday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was the warmest so far, we noted 29c at one point. Had a great boat trip with son Matt. We cruised up the Orwell nearly reached the Orwell Bridge. We were out for four hours, and saw many yachtsmen out enjoying themselves, we were back alongside at 1430. Now for more fun stuff for your amusement!

Ee Haw - Catalan style!

Quite possibly!

Thanks Stuart!

Ah! Now we know!

Thanks again Stuart!

Flat Earthers.........you have my permission to weep!

You are going to die Mr T!

Artistic branch!

Love the Cousins' slogans!

Is that you Liberace???

How apt!

Necessity is the Mother  etc!

Hmm! Clever!

English your second language is it???

Too many guns in America! - Who puts Gatling guns on a sports car?

Crowstrike! - Good excuse!

Definitely horrid!

Just got to love Quokkas!

Oh! Dear!

Loo with a Voo!

We all have the right to express ourselves!

Novel graphics!

Do you recognise these three???

Behind you!!!

It is certainly hot enough for an ice cream!

Cozy corner for a quick glass!

...........and Relax!

Tibbles raises Hell!

Harwich Weather for Wednesday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!
