
Monday 1 July 2024

Monday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today rain was forecast - it didn't! I walked to the beach, and noticed that the circus is in town - not for me! I earned brownie points vacuuming, and PM we have started watching Old Wallender, it started in 2004, and there are four series. Something to get our teeth into! Now for more fun stuff which I hope will be right up your street!

Thanks Robert!

Another humungous choir - Dance anyone???

Wadda we want????

Thanks Ann!

Buying a parrot when  drunk!

Thanks Gloria!


Thanks Hazel!

Neighbours - Ha!

Thanks Stuart!

5 legs might!

That's what I thought too!

Our Cousins have a hell of a job trying to pronounce this!!!

Whack 'em!


Before and after!

Contradiction of terms!

Tailgating continues to be a problem!

Ooh! Dangerous!

Surprise - surprise!

The red shirts never come back!

That's right - make it permanent!

Love the Cousins' slogans!

As I have mentioned before - I don't like the beach, sand gets everywhere!

It pays not to show off!

Interviewers can be a pain!

Harwich Weather for Tuesday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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