
Saturday 13 July 2024

Saturday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today started wet, but soon dried, I exercised as usual, and when things brightened up I walked to the beach. PM we are still binge watching Dexter, quite a number of episodes remain however. Now for you funnies specially selected for your amusement!

I will sit still I will sit still!

He was a one hit wonder, but many years later it was a hit again!

Love a dial phone!

Thanks Robert!

Yes they are doing it a bit wrong!!!

Thanks again Robert!

Too true!

Thanks yet again Robert!

Boom Tish!

Thanks even yet again Robert!

Helen has a dishwasher - it's me!

Ancient sculpture "Wassap?"

Rather like the anti littering ad!

I didn't get it until I realised it was Wossy!

Another Great Truth!

Fortunately H cannot hear me!

I really like this one!

Yet another Great Truth!

Know that feeling?

This story isn't new but it's great!!!

Phew that was close!

Smartass riposte!

Oh! Yes I had a pair of colt 45s a stetson and everything!

One can dream!

Cinderella tries on the slipper!

He knows what he wants!

Tibbles is becoming a tad miffed at all the photos!

Hey dearie, I think your satellite dish just fell down!

It took a minute to see that she's using a Jokari!

I am afraid that she may have had one over the eight!

Harwich Weather for Sunday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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