
Thursday 11 July 2024

Thursday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was mainly grey but no rain, it was also much cooler than yesterday. We pottered in the garden in the morning, and after lunch binge watched more "Dexter". I have been ferreting around down below in the nether world and have come up with more fun stuff for your delectation. I hope that you will be amused!

Tonight we are South of the Mason Dixon!

Making it count!

Thanks Stuart!

Happens often!

Thanks again Stuart!

Ha Ha Ha !

Thanks yet again Stuart!

How cutting is that???

Thanks even yet again Stuart!

Oh! Men!

If you dare!

Pedantic Spelling 

Oh! All the time!

Oh! Dear!!!

Not the answer he was looking for!

Love it!

Huzzah! Extreme ironing is back!

Even Stormtroopers have a feminine side!

James the Photoshop guy is back!

Amazing folk seen on the underground!

I wonder who was the most surprised!

As I have said before - put Googly eyes on anything and it's funny!

Sadly there are many like him!

Too many guns in America - Granny's machine gun is plastic - but you get the idea!

Oops she made a funny face Poppadom!

Ratty is on his morning commute!

More James!

Yet more James!

I believe that it is cruel to leave a tree in a pot!

When you are trying to be very alluring but it goes all wrong!

Maybe this is the Domino effect!

Harwich Weather for Friday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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