
Wednesday 10 July 2024

Midweek Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Apologies for missing yesterday. We had a visit from a cousin from America and by the time I had taken him to Colchester station for his onward journey to London, it was late, and the spirit was weak! Now however I have has some success in digging up more pictures and quotes from the funny farm in the nether regions of the Internet, which hopefully will raise your mood!

Oh! Gawd Blimey!!!

Tres Amusante!

Thanks Jim!

Another Great Truth!

That's told you!

Really? Thick but not quite that thick!!!

I have a big stock of these - PM me for prices!

Me too but this is clever!

Diet is a four letter word!

You have been warned!

Hate gulls an old Harwich tale says that they are the souls of dead bosuns!

Love the Cousins' slogans!

Still loving the Cousins' slogans!

The evil is amongst us!

Ante FB!

More Cousins' slogans!

Who ever signed this off?

Regarding WiFi!

Tonight's Philosophy!

Press ups - Ha!

Same in England!

Tibbles is out to get the cuckoo!

I think that your shed could do with a coat of Creosote!

That's odd!

Definitely buy one!

Harwich Weather for Thursday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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