
Sunday 14 July 2024

Sunday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today dawned bright, although clouds built during the day, but it stayed dry. I visited the boat, still too windy to go out. Checked over the equipment - all was well. PM we continued to watch Dexter, and now I have collected a few more bits and bobs for you to look at if you aren't too engrossed in the football. I wish them well but will not watch it. I have a long and deep seated aversion, the origins of which I will not mention here. Enjoy the evening - and the funnies!

So it is!

The UK ukulele Orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall. 

It didn't take them long!

Thanks Bea!


Thanks Stuart!


Boom Tish!

Nighty night - sweet repose, share the bed but keep all the clothes!

Keep it simple!


Tonight's philosophical thought!

Late starter!

At least you are sure that the aliens are not digging into your brain!

Peering at you all the time!

A comma wouldn't be out of place!

The shark lady takes up modelling!

James - again!

There really is no hope!


Budget Sidecar!

More often than not!
(Oh! Zoom call coming in!)

Too much sun is not good - there's shade behind you!

Metal framed sofas can be rather uncomfortable!

This is lunacy!


Harwich Weather for Monday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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