
Monday 3 June 2024

Monday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was a mixture of sun and cloud. I walked to the beach and it was very warm. Later it cooled off when the wind increased. We had a trip to Ipswich pm and were home in time for tea. Now for some more hopefully amusing bits and pieces which I hope will entertain!

Weird, but they seem to be having a good time!


My kind of joke!

In that moment when a bird shits a selfie on your window!

Thanks Klaus!

I'm waiting...............!

Same at our house!

I cannot see anything here that relates to anything else!!!

I wonder how he did that!

I should think so too!

Clever Oriental People!

Is it me or is that somewhat hideous?

Good question!

Be careful what you wish for!

I am not!!!

Just a grumpy tree!


Sort of a flat pack!

Did this happen to you???

It's a miracle that any of us are here!

In the last words of Oscar Wilde "Either that wallpaper has to go or I will!"

Translation not required!

Thanks Klaus!

Self preservation instinct!

Thanks again Klaus!

Harwich Weather for Tuesday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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