
Monday 24 June 2024

Monday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, It was very warm again today with blue skies. Lola and I walked early, before the pavements were too hot for her paws.We then visited a supermarket for a few basics, and home to lunch. PM we are right into "Unforgotten" now on series 2, gritty stuff! I have been down to the nether regions again for the Creme de la Creme of fun stiff especially for you!

Noisy neighbours!

This is very old, but they did it rather well!


Thanks Barbara!


Weapons of our time!

Thanks David!

Not judging!

Thanks John!

Yes we noticed!

Thanks Robert!

Quite an undertaking!

Photoshop suspected!!!

Tin hats on request!

Sorry but Ha Ha Ha!

Not the right day!

Another Great Truth!


High Tea!


Medieval WTF!!!

Regarding Death!

Just like Brueghel with is bottoms! 


Bash them!


Joke 2!

Another Great Truth!

There is a difference!

No comment required!

Hands up!

How does your garden grow?
(Too much - its overgrown you lazy lump!)

Amateur versus professional!

Tibbles over reacts!

Harwich Weather for Tuesday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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