
Sunday 9 June 2024

Sunday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was sunny but with a stiff

 breeze. I was out early, and went over to the marina to help

 my friend take the covers off his boat. After lunch we binged

 on "The Good Cop", it's entertaining, but not a good as "Mr

Monk".With the help of my friends we have selected the best

 of the best of the newest fun stuff on the web, especially for


(Apologies for the ugly double spacing - Blogger sometimes

 throws a wobbler!)

Now for something completely different!

The proof!

Thanks Ann!

Phone Zombies!

Thanks Robert!

It's difficult!

Thanks again Robert!

Forgot about the violets!

Thanks yet again Robert!

Low tide!

Thanks even yet again Robert!


Thanks Stuart!

How very appropriate!

Sometimes it is possible to detect a fake post!


Spooky car!

They just ignore them...............I have a fix for that!

Love the Cousins' slogans!

Still loving the Cousins' slogans!

Behind Youoooooo!

Towser junior is being pampered!

This is what the Japanese do after harvest with unwanted straw!

Inappropriate Bedfellows!

Masochistic crochet!

I wonder if they feel protected or threatened!

By the greenery I guess it's June!

Very ambitious surfer!

She is so cool...............Oh!

Harwich Weather for Monday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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