
Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday's funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was showery, at times heavy. I went to the boat and did a bit of maintaining, home to lunch and PM we watched "Fisherman's Friends", which we enjoyed. Now while there is a ton of fun stuff out there, some of it is not so good, so I have tried to bring you the best of the bunch! please enjoy!

How about a little bit of the Irish?

Very Topical!

Thanks Barbara!


Thanks Derek!

She is adamant!

Thanks Geoff!

Ah! Now I see!

Thanks again Geoff!


Thanks Hazel!

Robert has sent in six!
Thanks Robert!

Be creepy!

In the words of the song.........!

On Father's Day!

Oldie but Goodie!

Parking opportunity!

Boom Tish!

Facts don't spoil it!

Medieval put down!

Boom Boom!


Wear and Tear!!!

Another Medieval put down!

Despite all the gadgets he thought he was on the Motorway!

We call it proving - but we get your drift!


Thanks QI!

Happens to all of us - allegedly!

Shark! Shark!!!

Eskimo roll with a bonus!

Waiting for the "Marilyn Moment"!

Harwich Weather for Monday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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