
Wednesday 19 June 2024

Wednesday's funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was mild with a mixture of clouds and sun. We were disappointed, we planned a boat trip, but on arrival at the boat, the wind got up really quickly, and we had to abandon, so we had a drink and came home. PM we've stared to watch season 4 of McDonald and Dobbs, which we are enjoying. Now for more fun stuff for your amusement! please enjoy them!

Tibbles is a bit troubled by his image!

Perhaps my favourite Dire Straits number!

Little things...........!

Thanks Robert!

A party that's a limited company? - Work it out!

Thanks again Robert!

Not what immediately comes to mind!

Thanks Stuart!

 Let's go on safari they said - it will be fun they said!!!

Asking for trouble!

Only 3 miles apart, but in different time zones!

Well if it's OK with you, then it's OK with me!

Boom Tish!

Wave back!

Wrong answer!

No cure for stupid!

Oh! Yes!



Smoking good stuff!

Ha Ha Ha Ha!


Boom Boom!

Tibbles can be a trial!


Our Cousins have difficulty with this one!

A bit common, but I see where you're coming from!
(Nice boat by the way!)

Flower arranging can be fun!

Tibbles knows how to control the situation!

Being little can have it's compensations!

Harwich Weather for Thursday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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