
Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tuesday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was warmer, with sun and clouds. It was the day of the Master Mariner's Club at Felixstowe. We had an enjoyable time with a meal and speaker, arrived home at 1600. Now I have made a collection of some fun stuff which I hope will meet with your approval! I hope that you will find them to your liking!

A real doughnut!

When I was young I thought this was Mullighans Tyres!

It's what they do!!!

Thanks Pete!

Who remembers a what???

Thanks Robert!

Great offer!

Thanks again Robert!


Thanks yet again Robert!

In UK - yes!

Scone Henge!

Punctuation rules!

No cure for idiots!

It's right!
(I jest!)

Look! A real live Centaur!

I'm not quite that bad, but sometimes I struggle a bit!

Et tu Brute!


He has a point!

Two nations divided by a common language!

Now that's a plan!

Regarding the theory of evolution!

Tonight's Wisdom!

The eternal triangle!

No prize for guessing the filling!

I want one!

Lancashire ladder back chairs, don't sell as well as they did 30 years ago!

Going down (really fast!)

Harwich Weather for Wednesday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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