
Monday, 17 June 2024

Monday's Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was sunny and mild with a few clouds but thankfully no rain. We had a trip to Marks and Sparks food hall in Walton, to top up on nice things! PM we watched "One for all" the sequel to "Fishermans Friends" that we watched yesterday, nice tale! Now for another deluge of funny stuff that has been dredged up.Hoping nobody will be offended.......Ha!

Thanks Ann!

As we're all Fishermans Friended up, here's one of their songs

For those of you who like me failed "O" level French
translation below!

It was by seeing people enter his office without knocking that Winston Churchill
 removed his initials from the door!

Thanks Maria!

Old Cougars!

Thanks Gloria!

Long wait!

Thanks again Robert!

Only joking!

Early man being creative!

It is always the same!!!

A word from the wise!

No cure for stupid!

Likewise Social Media!

Oh! Dear!!!

Now you know!

Oh! Yes!

Same for me when fixing computers!


I like this - it took a moment!

Someone with far too much time on their hands!

It's OK - they cannot escape!

Situation normal!

Just shows that the USA is very BIG!!!

Very overgrown - but that's good for the environment!

This from Germany - but I swear it's from Clacton!

Thanks Klaus!

And there he was - gone!

Harwich Weather for Tuesday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at


Thanks for calling by!


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