
Friday 21 June 2024

Your Weekend Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, Today was great! Warm sun and light wind, and we were able to take American relatives on a short boat trip, where we circumnavigated Horsey Island, which can only be done at high tide. Home to a late lunch, and later a little TV. We are now hosting Lola the dog for a few days so when I have published this it will be time for Walkies. Now for your funnies!

Thanks Robert!

I er .........no! Modesty prevails!!!

Golf and be damned!

Thanks Hazel!


Thanks Robert!

Oh! Often!!!

Thanks again Robert!

She who must be obeyed!

Thanks yet again Robert!


Thanks Stuart!

That face!

Thanks Susi!


Thanks Barbara!

Wisdom from the East!

Put forks in that will keep them off!


Thanks Stuart!

The cobbler's children run unshod!

Hoping she will forget!

Unlikely tale!

They scare the hell out of me!

Certainly the only way for me!

Ha Ha!

Now there's a thought!

Topical fun!

Oh! yes you are!

Well done Edith!

Definitely take it to the limit!!!

I certainly admire your crazy paving!

Swift removals!

One born every minute!

Harwich Weather for Saturday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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