
Friday 7 June 2024

Your Weekend Funnies

Dear Family and Friends, It was a similar day to yesterday, but perhaps a little warmer. I went shopping first thing, to buy a few essentials. Later I spent time eviscerating an old computer! We had a visit pm from an old acquaintance, and in no time the afternoon was gone! Now for more fun stuff for your weekend amusement!

My kind of humour!

I know nothing about this lady, except that she is a billionaire, she is touring UK now and she doesn't like Donald Trump!

So the Gull said to the Penguin.........!

Thanks Geoff!

Another Great truth!

Thanks again Geoff!

A comparison!

Fame in a nutshell!

Regarding Death!

Couldn't put it better myself!

There's always a joker just around the corner!

Yet another Great Truth!

In short you have no chance bud!


Workplace tip!


Quotable quotes!


Yes all that time!

No comment!

Jogging with a handbag? - Ooh!

No way it will stay up!

Street legal? - I doubt it!

Harwich Weather for Saturday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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