
Tuesday 11 June 2024

Tuesday's funnies

Dear Family and Friends, It was another showery day. We were able to work in the garden first thing, but then we had to scurry indoors. PM we watched a movie, and now I am at it again scouring the nether regions of the web for more fun stuff just for you!

Thanks Robert!

This might give you chills - another big choir!

Doing nights!

Thanks Geoff!

They're yours!

Thanks Robert!


Thanks again Robert!


Thanks yet again Robert!

You have been warned!

Thanks even yet again Robert!

Regarding Chips!

Thanks Stuart!

Manbuns - Ha!

The Answer!

More than just asps!


Error 404!

Love the Cousins' slogans!


Still loving the Cousins' slogans!

Spoiler - their mouths are the right way up!

Good Gag!

They're not dumping her are they?

Staged I presume!

Thanks Jamie!

Don't look down!

Pure Evil!!!

Harwich Weather for Wednesday

Thanks BBC!

If you enjoy boats and the sea, try my other blog at 

Thanks for calling by!


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